Friday, May 1, 2009

Society of complainers....

OK, this was not going to be my topic for the day but after seeing this on the news last night I had no choice but to comment. Our society is nothing but a bunch of lazy, looking for a free buck, complainers. So on NBC last night there was a story about a woman who was on a Carnival cruise scheduled to go to mexico. After the cruise had departed Mexican authorities informed the cruise line that in the port the ship was scheduled to stop, swine flu had been recently found in growing numbers. Now Carnival, weighing all of the risks etc. decided the prudent thing was to turn out to sea and come back. Yes, they missed 1 of their ports of call but still were on the water the same amount of time. Yes it would have been a bummer to have had your hopes up and then not be able to see a port but come on. Can you imagine if Carnival would have gone to port and the whole boat gets sick? The lawsuits and the complaining that would happen then? Use your head people, it was the most prudent move they could make. They were actually looking out for your health and safety. YET, a woman gets on the news and is making a statement about how mad she was and Carnival is going to have to compensate her "big time" for this. I wonder how different if any different at all her story would have been if they went and she became ill... Apparently a no-win situation for carnival. Just a bunch of people looking to get rich quick without the hard work of getting there. Makes me sick.

1 comment:

  1. And you know this happens all the time due to weather. BTW, you should get your blog listed out on blog catalogs.
